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This grain has less protein compared to other animal feeds, but it provides high energy. This leads to the use of corn in the animal diet to meet the required energy needs



Native peoples in southern Mexico first domesticated corn around 10,000 years ago. Modern corn comes from the Balsas teosinte, a wild grass. By the time Europeans settled in North America, corn was already being grown as far north as southern Maine, thanks to Native American teachings. Christopher Columbus and other explorers introduced corn to Europe, and it quickly spread to suitable areas around the world. Corn can be grown as far north as Canada and Russia, and as far south as South America. Corn crops mature nearly every month of the year somewhere in the world. In the United States, corn is the most important crop and a staple food.

In the 2023/24 crop year, global corn production is expected to reach 1222 billion tons, a 6.3% increase from last year. The United States will be the largest corn producer this year, with about 390 million tons, followed by China with 350 million tons. Both countries have reduced their exports due to increased domestic consumption, and China has even become a corn importer. The decrease in American exports is mainly due to extracting corn ethanol for use as car fuel, mixed with gasoline at a ratio of 40 to 60.

Brazil will harvest 133 million tons of corn this year. They will export about 55 million tons, making them the world’s largest corn exporter.

Corn is a crucial food in livestock and poultry diets. It’s valuable for its nutrition and its impact on animal growth. In our country, corn production, especially for livestock, is not cost-effective. We import a significant amount of corn from other countries. Brazilian corn is popular here because of its quality, abundance, and availability. According to Comtrade, Iran imported about 2 billion dollars’ worth of corn from Brazil in 2022.

Corn is the second most important crop in Brazil, right after soybeans. However, its trade is mostly controlled by international companies. Arman Kimia Company has been trying to negotiate with Brazilian suppliers to import corn into the country quickly and at a fair price.

Corn is the second most important product in Brazil’s agricultural production, after soybeans. However, its trade is mostly controlled by international companies. Arman Kimia Company has tried to negotiate and communicate with Brazilian companies and organizations that supply these companies. Their goal is to import corn into the country quickly and at a fair price.

Imported corn includes types used for livestock and poultry feed, as well as types suitable for human consumption. These include bulk corn and container corn used for snacks like popcorn.

From Cultivation to Consumption

Corn in The Food Industry

Corn is the most widely produced crop in the world. Due to its consumption as a staple in many products, it is prevalent. The United States produces more corn than any other country. Despite the challenges of war, Ukraine remains one of the top producers of corn

Corn in US

The United States is the largest corn producer in the world, with a production of 382.89 million metric tons in the 2021-2022 season. According to estimates, the production for the 2022-2023 season is expected to be 348.75 million metric tons

Corn in China

China produced 272.55 million metric tons of corn in the 2021-2022 season. The estimated production for the years 2022-2023 is 277.20 million metric tons. Corn produced in China is almost exclusively used domestically